two people standing under HRTF frame

Principal Investigators (PIs)

Masthead Bottom

Michele Geronazzo

Imperial College London, Dyson School of Design Engineering and University of Padova


Michele Geronazzo is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Padova and part of the coordination unit of the EU-H2020 project SONICOM at Imperial College London. He received his M.S. degree in Computer Engineering (2009) and his Ph.D. degree in Information &Communication Technologies (2014) from the University of Padova. Between 2014 and 2021, he has worked as an Assistant Professor in Digital Media at the University of Udine, and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Verona and Aalborg University Copenhagen in the fields of neurosciences and simulations of complex human-machine intra-actions. His main research interests involve binaural spatial audio modeling and synthesis, and sound in multimodal virtual/augmented reality.

He is an IEEE Senior Member and part of the organizing committee of the IEEE VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments since 2015 (chair of the 2018 and 2020 editions). From September 2019, Prof. Geronazzo has been appointed as Editorial Board member for Frontiers in Virtual Reality, and he served as guest editor for Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (John Wiley&Sons and Hindawi publishers, 2019). He is a co-recipient of six best paper/poster awards and co-author of more than seventy scientific publications. In 2015, his Ph.D. thesis was honored by the Acoustic Society of Italy (AIA) with the ”G. Sarcedote” award.

In SONICOM, he will focus on the plausibility of a real/virtual world auditory blending to create new interaction paradigms for Audio Augmented Reality with particular emphasis on a virtual prototyping approach for WP1-2. He also conceived the Listener Acoustic Personalization (LAP) challenge which is going to be launched within WP5.


  • Geronazzo, L. S. Vieira, N. C. Nilsson, J. Udesen, and S. Serafin, “Superhuman hearing – virtual prototyping of artificial hearing: a case study on interactions and acoustic beamforming,” IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1912–1922, 2020.
  • T. Prepeliță, J. Gómez Bolaños, M. Geronazzo, R. Mehra, and L. Savioja, “Pinna-related transfer functions and lossless wave equation using finite-difference methods: verification and asymptotic solution,” J Acoust Soc Am, vol. 146, no. 5, pp. 3629–3645, 2019.
  • Geronazzo, E. Sikström, J. Kleimola, F. Avanzini, A. De Götzen, and S. Serafin, “The impact of an accurate vertical localization with HRTFs on short explorations of immersive virtual reality scenarios,” in Proc. 17th IEEE/ACM Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Munich, Germany, Oct. 2018, pp. 90–97.
  • Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini, “Do we need individual head-related transfer functions for vertical localization? The case study of a spectral notch distance metric,” IEEE/ACM Trans on Audio Speech Lang, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1243–1256, 2018.
  • Geronazzo, A. Bedin, L. Brayda, C. Campus, and F. Avanzini, “Interactive spatial sonification for non-visual exploration of virtual maps,” Int J Hum Comput Stud, vol. 85, pp. 4–15, 2016.